Radiating Rays Ornament

Professional Experience

From Degrees To Organizations

I Have Specialized In The Study And Treatment Of Trauma

Clinical Experience

  • Independent & Group Private Practices

  • Joseph J. Peters Institute (JJPI) Survivor Services
    • Nationally recognized Institute for the research, education, prevention, training, ​evaluation and treatment of trauma since 1955.

  • The Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence

Previously: Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR)

    • Philadelphia’s only rape crisis center - the largest in the state of Pennsylvania and one ​of the nation’s 1st, opening in 1977.

  • The Philadelphia School District - Elementary Counseling Office
    • The largest Philadelphia school system where the Expanded Adverse Childhood ​Experiences (ACE) Study, seen as pivotal trauma research, found seven in ten ​Philadelphians had experienced one ACE and 40% had experienced four or more ACEs.
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-M.S. Degree in Community and Trauma Counseling

Including the following courses:

-Orientation To The Counseling Profession


-Foundations Of Trauma Counseling

-Human Growth & Development

-Advanced Counseling Theory & Practice Of Counseling

-Neurobiology Of Trauma

-Social And Cultural Diversity

-Group Work In Community & Trauma Counseling

-Addictions Theory & Practice

-Childhood Trauma Effects

-Counseling Assessment

-Career Development

-Attachment Relations & Family Therapy

-Counseling Research And Evaluation

-Advanced Clinical Interventions In Trauma

-Knowledge & Skill Required For Community & Trauma ​Counseling

-Practicum I - Theory & Practice Of Counseling

-Practicum II - Field Experience

-Internship In Community & Trauma Counseling I

-Internship In Community & Trauma Counseling II


-B.A. Degree in Philosophy & Studio Art

Focus on Existential Philosophy

& Sculpture/Metal Work

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The Atlas Space, LLC

270 W Walnut Lane, # 3C

Philadelphia, PA 19144

*By Appointment Only

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Virtual Sessions Held Via:

TherapyNotes Portal

HIPAA Compliant Zoom

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